Inside the saxophone and the clarinet
How to describe a tone - bright, dark, focus, round, warm ?
A historical overview of all the scientific and musical approaches to the words we use to describe tone properties since early 20th century
Acoustic input impedance
The impedance is THE most important physical indicator to understand woodwind instruments. Discover what this is, and how to measure it!
Inside Syos
Syos jobs: computing engineer
Meet the expert of equations and numerical computing, the one who slices your saxophone mouthpiece to simulate the behaviour of the air flow inside it...
What is the acoustic role of saxophone pad resonators?
Pad resonators are very important pieces of the saxophone. Pauline published an acoustic study on those resonators, with the theory and measurements.
How is a custom saxophone mouthpiece even possible?
How can we make Syos mouthpieces custom according to your expectations? How does our process work?
The baffle: a true game changer
It's the most important part of your mouthpiece, it is responsible for the whole soul of your sound. Step, straight or curved baffle... explanation by Syos.
Saxophone sound practice #3: 8ves and 5ths
After the previous saxophone exercises on long tones and harmonics, here is the third exercice of the series Practice Your Own Sound by Sylvie: working on 5ths and 8ves. Get your sax!
3D printing: the future of the musical instrument?
Dive into 21st century technology, see how 3D printing works and how it can revolutionise musical instruments.
Music acoustics: when science meets art
When scientists study the way musical instruments are producing sounds, we can speak of music acoustics! An in-depth presentation of this scientific field.