Geon U Baek

Geon U Baek

"My vivid memory of first encountering SYOS is still fresh. When I placed the mouthpiece in my mouth and blew into it, the intense sound felt like a storm, captivating me instantly. In one word, SYOS can be summarized as "so easy".
After nearly 20 years of playing various classical and jazz mouthpieces, SYOS truly amazed me. It effortlessly created the powerful, high-toned sound I desired with minimal breath. This intense sound was something I had never experienced even with metal mouthpieces."

Geon U Baek is an accomplished Korean saxophonist whose musical journey spans classical, jazz, and contemporary genres. A graduate of both Kyungbuk Arts High School and Keimyung University's Department of Orchestral Music, Baek has distinguished himself through his versatile musicianship and educational contributions.

His exceptional talent has been recognized through numerous accolades, including earning the title of Best Performer at the Yangsan Arts Association Music Competition and securing a Gold Medal at the prestigious Wiz & Yamaha International Music Competition in the Ensemble Category.

Baek's collaborative spirit is evident in his performances with renowned orchestras including the Keimyung Symphony Orchestra, Army Military Band, Daegu Modern Ensemble, and Pohang Philharmonic Orchestra. His artistic reach extends to national audiences through appearances on Arirang International Broadcasting TV and radio, as well as performances at notable venues such as Cheongdam Nine Jazz Club.

Between 2020 and 2022, Baek has been actively involved in numerous cultural projects and initiatives. His participation in the Korean Music Association's Performance Personnel Support Project, the Daegu Music Festival, and UNESCO Daegu Music Week demonstrates his commitment to community engagement through music. During the challenging period of COVID-19, he contributed to public wellbeing through projects like "Healing Busking."

Currently, Baek serves as the leader of ClaJz Saxophone Ensemble and performs as an alto saxophonist with Kim & S Ensemble. As an educator, he shares his expertise at several institutions including Daegu Haeol High School, Daegun Middle School, Hyosung Middle School, and Daejin Middle School, nurturing the next generation of musicians.

Beginning his journey as a classical saxophonist under the guidance of Maestro Kwak Seung, Baek has successfully expanded his musical horizons to embrace jazz and popular music styles, establishing himself as a versatile performer in South Korea's dynamic music scene.

Baek plays on a Mornington Lockett's signature mouthpiece 7* on his alto saxophone.