Inside the saxophone and the clarinet

How to memorize a chord progression?
In this article, we've shared some tips on how to memorize a jazz chord progression. With some examples!

Fun and creativity with triads
In this article, Sylvie shares how she is working on triads while developing her own original harmonic progressions

Pentatonic scales in jazz : part #1
This is the first article of a series focused on how to use pentatonic scales in jazz improvisation. In this first part, a little theory and examples of how to simply use pentatonic scales on chords derived from natural major scale harmony.

Victor Raimondeau's inspiration playlist!
Victor Raimondeau told us about the songs that inspire him or that he simply enjoys! Check it out!

Sax in pop music | Sax in Music Genres
In genre of pop music, that is so vast and varied, where does the sax belong? Syos enlightens you about the saxophones role.

Saxophone in rock music | Sax in Music Genres
In which famous songs can we find saxophone solos, and who are the saxophonists in rock? Syos teaches you about the sax-rock romance!

Saxophone sound practice #2: Overtones
This is the second saxophone exercice of the series Practice Your Own Sound by Sylvie. It focuses on the overtones, and will help you getting a richer tone and have greater accuracy in the high register.

How to work your scales efficiently
Working on scales can easily turn into a nightmare... it's long, it's hard to find satisfaction and to see progression... Sylvie explains her secrets to make the work more interesting and satisfying!

Saxophone sound practice #1: Long tones
Sylvie explains the most important exercise for the saxophone sound practice: working on long tones. Be patient and get some really good shoes, and you will become a saxophonist expert in shaping sound.